Friday, September 24, 2010

Submit your domain name ideas!

In order to make Automotive Outlet a more user friendly resource I've decided to leave behind the traditional blog format and move towards a more user friendly website.  In the process however I've run into a little road block! is not an available domain name; naturally I need something new.  Please feel free to submit your ideas for the new domain name that you may have; I would really appreciate it!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Upcoming Changes!

It's been awhile since the last article and it's for good reason!  I've been in deep thought as to where the direction of this blog should be and I believe that I'm finally coming down to a conclusion.  While it may be enjoyable to salivate over cars that we'll never drive or even likely see in our lifetime I realize that this blog can be something more.  As an automotive enthusiast I realize the importance of the occasional, if not weekly, indulgence in reading up on or writing about some exorbitant exotic car or mind blowing muscle car.  That being said I want this blog to be a little more focused on what would be most useful to my readers and followers; will you ever have the chance to experience the raw acceleration of the Ferrari F-40?  Probably not, and neither have I by the way; I have only read the handful of accounts of those who have many times over.  On the other hand you are much more likely to be in the market for a mid-size sedan, a four-wheel-drive truck, or maybe even a modest sports car.  So while I'm still going to throw in the occasional Lamborghini, Ferrari, and completely irrational Bugatti this blog will be mostly focused on car reviews of the more useful autos.  Not to mention an article here or there of handy car care tips that I have found useful or interesting.

Buying a car will likely be one of the biggest investments that you'll make in life and it's important to make the right decisions.  Once you've brought that shiny new investment home it's also important to take care of it.  So let's get together and discuss the best ways to go about it!  I look forward to hearing your comments and ideas!